
My warm greeting to you all. Welcome to MoneyMoney. 

I'm a Kuchingites, living in Sarawak, the Land of the Hornbill, and proud to be a Malaysian. This photo was taken in Macau, sometime in December 2011. Isn't the Santa cute?

I enjoyed clicking ads and surfing sites. I am happy to earn online at anytime and anywhere i want. Click, click, click - my computer, mouse and fingers have been working very hard. 

There are so many new sites to join but most of it are scam. To the scammers, i have one thing to say to you, no matter how much money you have cheated on the members and the advertisers, always remember that you cannot bring it to your graveyard!  

I am a very active clicker. Whoever has rented me or my uplines must be very lucky to have me as their referral. I have posted some of my payment proofs. I can't describe the how happy I am to receive those payments. The efforts finally being paid off. Do feel free to join me if you are interested. Just click on the banners and register. Registration is free. No need to invest. 

Here i want to wish everyone "Happy earnings. Let us earn together & May we be successful in all our undertakings. Patience and persistence are the important elements to be successful in whatever things we do."

May God Bless Mother Earth and All of Us - the Clickers!